Re-meeting the child in you with Laura Williams

Do you feel like you’re floundering in the wake of a hard loss? Or are you crushing it, thriving by cultural metrics, and yet don’t feel happy? Maybe you’re caught in the hamster wheel of your current season, every day like a draining repeat of the one before? Are you really trying but failing to find joy anywhere??

We have just the counselor for you! And I do mean licensed professional counselor, writer, and podcaster Laura Williams. Laura’s practice specializes in developmental and relational trauma (yes, we will learn what that means here), and her ultimate goal with all her clients and listeners is: “to help you heal the wounds that keep you from yourself.” Heck. Yes. Because you know what happens when we uncover and care for and treat these wounds? We open the door for joy to come back in.

We talk about the things that most often keep us from freedom as adults, and she offers clinical, spiritual, and incredibly practical strategies to find and begin processing our trauma points. Consider this the inside scoop from a professional counselor on how to start righting wrongful narratives and live into more joy, no matter your current circumstances.

Some key takeaways from Laura:
-Everyone has trauma; it’s simply “a place of wounding where a need wasn’t met.”
-You have the power to “reparent” yourself through the childhood wounds that limit you as an adult.
-How connecting back with the little kid in you (your “inner child”) can be the most practical and doable way to chase small joys!
-Humor is a critical element of enduring hardship and chasing joy in grief. (LOVE THIS)

The bottom line is: the you God individually and purposefully made you to be has likely gotten masked by a lifetime of experiences, traumatic or not. Laura’s passion is to help you dig up and dust off the best (i.e. most free and most joyful!) parts of yourself that life has covered up. Because don’t you want to re-meet the little you God has always intended adult you to be?


To the one completely tired of waiting…


Embracing the art of the pivot with Mary Hollis Huddleston