To the one completely tired of waiting…

Have you, like me, found yourself saying a lot recently: “I can’t wait!”? Whether this statement comes from a place of wonderful excitement or a really tough moment of frustration, the reality of and pace of life often leaves us in seasons of waiting. It’s inevitable!

And while we can’t control having to wait on things and people and dreams, we can control whether we wait well or wait poorly. We can learn to do it with gratitude in the now even as we dream for the future, OR we can get caught in the anxiety hamster wheel that always leaves us discontent and stressed.

I believe when you find yourself in seasons of waiting, you are actually standing on a battleground for great joy!

I believe you rob yourself of treasure that can only come in waiting if you don’t learn how to wait well and wait hopefully with God and others.

I believe by taking the ACTION of hoping, you create a MINDSET of greater joy and peace.

Just like taking the ACTION of worrying creates a MINDSET of anxiety.

I believe waiting well is less about the thing you’re waiting for and more about what happens in you and in your relationship with God and with others in the process.

I believe the fruits of learning to hope big and wait well are joy and excitement and adventure and freedom!

Don’t miss the treasure right where you are. Don’t miss the joy in the waiting.


Re-meeting the child in you with Laura Williams